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For further details regarding any of these machines please click "item no." and the contact details of the owner will be sent to you by e-mail.

Item no.606
Bosch Centre-filler Model 10 BF 201. For liquid filling gum products. 1997. Condition: Good running condition – machines withdrawn from production 6 months ago. Location: Egypt. Price 40.000 USD
item no.816
Euromec injector model 2PL/S for liquids, serial 01871, year 1997. It has hardly been used since being bought new - only used for a few trials. Located Spain. Price only 13.000 euros
item no.1147
Proform FP 250 liquid centrefiller for chewing gum, 2008, Germany, video here, 65.9650 Euro

item no.1296
Hansella/Bosch liquid filler reconditioned: twin piston 9.950 USD or single piston 8500 USD

item no.2246
Bosch Hansella piston-type syrup centrefiller for Bosch 160A line, photos here, refurbished, 11.000 USD
item no.2465
WLS gum extruder (1990), up to 1000Kg/hr depending on rope diameter, 47.500 USD + Teflon centrefill lance, photos here 5.500 USD
item no.3005
Bosch syrup centre-filler, piston-type, for Bosch 160DB line, photos here, 17.000 USD
item no.6214
Nuova Euromec 2-PL-S-66PRD liquid centrefiller (1994), up to 400L/hr, with 4 filling pipes, 3x400V,
photos here, Germany, 14.500 euros
item no.7378
Bosch TO-PF-201 liquid centrefiller (1997), photos here, Egypt, 21.950 USD

item no.7687
Powder centre-filler recently used by Mondelez with 2m long screw & Teflon tube, manufacturer & year unknown, photos here, 7.500 euros

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