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For further details regarding any of these machines please click "item no." and the contact details of the owner will be sent to you by e-mail.

item no.1589

Tonelli 2000 RTE marshmallow aerator (1987), 700Kg/hr, 380V/50Hz, photos here, Spain, 5.000 euros.
item no.1739
Mondomix B25 aerator for fat masses (2002), with PLC and touch-screen, photos here, 37.500 euros
item no.4244
Morton pressure whisk aerator, 100 Litres, photos here, 13.500 USD
item no.4612
Morton APW-200 air-pressure whisk 220 Litres (1999), for nougat or marshmallow, photos & details here, 26.000 USD

item no.4696
Mondomix Minimondo A-05 continuous aerator (1998), up to 45Kg/hr, photos & details here, 19.950 USD

item no.5218
Tanis Food Tec RP400 twin-head continuous aerator for marshmallow & nougat (2000), variable speed, timers, heating/cooling, with DTE water chiller mounted on same mobile frame, 22Kw, 3Ph, photos here, UK, 22.000 USD

item no.5262
Haas Mondomix VD-40 aerator (2003), with new spare head, last used 2015 for aerating batter, photos here, USA, 52.000 USD 
item no.5413
Mondomix A-05 aerator (1996), 25-50Kg/hr, good condition, never used in production, universal aerator for all products, photos here, Holland, 17.000 euros

item no.5731
Mondomix VA-15 L continuous aerator for milk products (1998 approx), up to 450Kg/hr, 456 pins, 11kW, 3x380V, 50Hz,
photos here, Germany, 29.500 euros
item no.5850
Mondomix VD-40 aerator & PSD-1 manifold depositing system (2018-19), was used for 90g chocolate bars, 425mm wide moulds, up to 1000Kg/hr,
photos & details here, Belarus, 295.000 euros
item no.5979

Mondomix VL aerator for dairy & chocolate (new unused),
photos & details here, UK, 57.000 euros

item no.6090

Tanis RotoCompact TFT-RP-250 marshmallow aerator (2014),
photos & details here, UK, 59.900 euros 
item no.6344

Mondomix UE-50-AS aerator up to 1500Kg/hr,
photos here, North Macedonia, 9.950 euros
item no.6345

Mondomix E-50 aerator, up to 1600L/hr, was used for dairy products,
photos here, Germany, 29.950 euros
item no.6346

Mondomix UB-25 aerator #11542, up to 1000 L/hr, was used for dairy products, photos here, Germany, 21.600 euros
item no.6347

Mondomix UB-25 aerator #11831, up to 1000 L/hr, was used for dairy products,
photos here, Germany, 25.500 euros
item no.6479

Mondomix A-16 aerator #TS066, 10 Bar, 415V, 30A, photos here, Australia, 16.000 USD
item no.6511

Mondomix VE-50 aerator, for cakes, marshmallows, chocolates, icing etc, 3 x 460V, 60Hz, photos here, USA, 14.500 USD
item no.6540
Mondomix VA-15-L aerator #P13676 (2001), up to 360Kg/hr, with infeed pump & 100L jacketed tank, was used for aerating cream,
photos & details here, UK, 19.000 euros 
item no.6541

Mondomix VA-15-L aerator #P13750 (2001), up to 360Kg/hr, with infeed pump & 100L jacketed tank, was used for aerating cream
photos & details here, UK, 19.000 euros  

item no.6557

Haas-Mondomix B-25 aerator (2000, good condition), up to 3000Kg/hr, 11kW , 130-410 rpm,  photos & details here, Netherlands, 24.000 euros

item no.6647

Hansa Compact Food Mix aerator (1998), up to 2000Kg/hr, continuous, whipping & mixing of pumpable media in the confectionery, baking industries, was used for aerating desserts, photos here, Germany, 19.000 euros
item no.6866

Mondomix UB-25-AS aerator #P11816 for cakes, marshmallows, chocolates, icing etc, 3 x 480V/60Hz,
photos here, USA, 14.500 USD 

item no.6868
Trefa ACM continuous aerator for creams, marshmallows etc (1998), up to 400Kg/hr, photos & details here, 26.000 USD

item no.6974

Yanagiya BM-90 aerator (2011), possibly 90Kg/hr, was used for aerating cream,
photos here, France, 7.000 euros
item no.7105

Mondomix VL-25 aerator (1998), 450Kg/hr,
photos here, 38.500 euros
item no.7226

Hansa Mixer Eco-Mix aerator (2013), up to 500Kg/hr, dimensions 2150 x 900 x 1750mm,
photos here, Poland, 36.000 euros 
item no.7331

Aerator with head diameter 140mm, pump, no ID plate but possible Oakes,
photos & details here, Australia, 14.000 USD
item no.7332

Aerator with head diameter 250mm, pump, no ID plate but possible Oakes,
photos & details here, Australia, 15.500 USD
item no.7395

Buhler Haas-Mondomix HAKA VA-15L aerator (2022), 100Kg/hr, was used for whipped cream, with pre-mixer, pump, cold water system, CIP,
photos & details here, 130.000 euros
item no.7424

Trefa M-750 aerator (2010), up to 800Kg/hr, 90rpm, double jacket, can also mix in dried inclusions,
photos here, France, 23.000 euros
item no.7546

Mondomix A-15 aerator (1992), 3 x 380V/50Hz,
photos here, France, 7.000 euros
item no.7547

Mondomix A-15 aerator (1994), 3 x 380V/50Hz,
photos here, France, 7.000 euros
item no.7683

Oakes 10-M-5 continuous mixer #237, with Waukesha pump, last used for whipping cream/meringue,
photos here, USA, 14.000 USD

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