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For further details regarding any of these machines please click "item no." and the contact details of the owner will be sent to you by e-mail.

item no.4431
Wooden trays for starch jelly mogul, photos here, 800 available, outside dimensions 805 x 400 x 60mm, Poland, 5.50 euros each
item no.4819

Day starch mixer, cleaner, cooler, photos here, Europe, 10.000 euros 
item no.6107
4.500 fibre-glass trays 820 x 400 x 55mm for Makat HLM-35 mogul, new unused,
photos here, Finland, 85.000 euros
item no.6144

Werner Makat TF-8000 starch drying unit (1997), 8000Kg/hr, needs full overhaul,
photos here, Australia, 60.000 euros
item no.7365
Treiber wooden trays for NID mogul, 20.500 available, photos here, Argentina, 4.95 USD each 

Tel: +54 911 3111 0183 (Argentina)

E-mail: info@mac-trader.com