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For further details regarding any of these machines please click "item no." and the contact details of the owner will be sent to you by e-mail.

item no.3157
Savy Crystal 185 7” 180mm wide enrober (2003), with inbuilt temperer, photos, video & details here, USA, 17.000 USD

item no.3184
Bakon EO 12" 300mm wide enrober (2014), photos & details here, USA, 27.500 USD

item no.3386
Chocoma 2MP 24 enrober 240mm wide (year unknown), photos here, Switzerland, 5.000 euros

item no.3424
Sollich KK280 cooling tunnel (1970) 280mm x 6m long, photos & details here, Germany, 12.000 euros. Can be offered fully refurbished for 20.750 euros

item no.3425
Sollich 320mm cooling tunnel (1993), 320mm x 8m long, photos & details here, Germany, 12.000 euros. Can be offered fully refurbished for 20.750 euros

item no.3553
JKV 30 Hermes 30Kg temperer, JKV 180 300mm wide enrober & cutter, photos & details here, 12.000 euros, UK

item no.4060
Nielsen 10" 250mm wide enrobing line with 13ft 4m cooling tunnel & compressor, photos & details here, USA, 29.950 USD

item no.4080
Complete Selmi depositing, enrobing and chocolate panning line (2011-2015), photos & details here, USA, 87.000 USD

item no.4298
Selmi Top EX temperer, 300mm wide enrober & 8m cooling tunnel,
photos & detail here, USA, 59.950 USD

item no.4426
Sollich 280mm enrobing line (1987), with temperer & 12m cooling tunnel, photos & details here, USA, 27.500 USD

item no.4443
Keychoc 12" 300mm wide enrobing line (2015), with 14ft, 4m cooling tunnel with compressor, photos & details here, USA, 16.000 USD
item no.4662
Sollich MK-280 280mm wide x 11m long cooling tunnel (1988), with compressor, photos & details here, Germany, 13.000 euros 

item no.4897
Chocolate World CW24 tempering, moulding and enrobing line (2018), 90Kg/hr, 200mm wide enrober, 2 dosing plates, photos & details here, UK, 19.950 euros

item no.5238
Selmi TUN 320mm wide x 8m cooling tunnel (2009), with infeed, photos here, Austria, 25.000 euros

item no.5320
Agrometal HA-U 300mm wide enrobing line (2004), with top & bottom coating, 13m cooling tunnel & Safeline metal detector,
photos here, Hungary, 14.000 euros

item no.5529
WC Smith 10" 250mm wide enrobing line (1980’s), with infeed belt, pre-bottomer, 2.5m cooling plate, compressor, water-jacket chocolate tank with heater, shaker, blower, de-tailer, 6m cooling tunnel with compressor,
photos here, USA, 17.000 USD

item no.5656
Sollich 280mm wide x 8m cooling tunneI (2001 approx but with little use), with infeed & outfeed,
video here, UK, 17.000 euros

item no.5815
Sollich UT320 enrober (1989), 320mm wide, with inbuilt temperer,
photos & videos here, Greece, 21.000 euros

item no.5838
Selmi TUN-800 320mm wide x 8m long cooling tunnel (2018, new unused), with infeed & outfeed, mould return, inbuilt refrigeration, 3 x 220V/60Hz, photos here, USA, 32.950 USD

item no.5860
LCM 240-ATC 240mm wide stainless steel enrobing line (2013), with 320mm wide x 6m long cooling tunnel, infeed/outfeed belts,
photos & details here, Canada, 35.000 USD

item no.5978
Nielsen Tempa 320 enrobing line 320mm wide (1996), with onboard temperer, blower, 9m tunnel with Glycol chiller & air-cooled granite, 3 x 240V,
photos here, Canada, 27.500 USD

item no.6022
Hilliard 10 inch 250mm wide enrobing line (2007), with temperer, shaker, de-tailer, 1.8m cooling tunnel,
photos here, USA, 19.000 USD 

item no.6048
Selmi TUN-800 300mm wide x 8m cooling tunnel with enrobing attachment (2016), with outfeed belt, Freon compressor, 3x220V/50-60Hz,
photos here, USA, 32.000 USD 

item no.6069
Hilliard 250mm wide enrobing line (2013), with bottom coating & cooling, double curtain, shaker, de-tailer, blower, 1.8m cooling tunnel,
photos & details here, USA, 39.500 USD

item no.6070
Nova Choc 250mm wide enrober (2004), with 30Kg temperer & infeed,
photos here, 15.000 USD 

item no.6071
Smith 250mm wide enrobing line, with bottom coating & cooling, blower, decorator, infeed/outfeed, 14m cooling tunnel with Freon compressor,
photos & details here, USA, 9.950 USD

item no.6086
Nielsen Tempa 320 stainless steel enrober 320mm wide, with inbuilt temperer, movable,
photos here, Germany, 17.500 euros

item no.6100
Sollich UT-280 enrobing line 280mm wide (1984), with fan, de-tailer & MK-260 cooling tunnel 11m long,
photos here, Germany, 18.000 euros 

item no.6163
Dedy Nielsen 320mm wide enrober,
photos & video here, Netherlands, 13.500 euros

item no.6218
Hilliard 10”/250mm wide enrobing line (1987), with pre-bottomer, temperer & 3m cooling tunnel,
photos & details here, USA, 18.500 USD
item no.6296

Chocolate World CW12 tempering, moulding & enrobing line (2022, as new), temperer 12Kg, enrober 7”/180mm wide,
photos & details here, USA, 14.000 USD
item no.6408

Semmco 12” 300mm wide stainless steel enrobing line (2016), with 3.65m long cooling tunnel, photos & details here, USA, 12.000 USD
item no.6469

FBM Clima 100 compact vertical cooling tunnel (2021), up to 90Kg/hr, 4 towers, for up to 300 moulds of size 275 x 175, 6kW 3x 220V/60Hz, photos here, USA, 65.000 USD

item no.6496 
Selmi 300mm wide real chocolate enrobing line (2018), with 200Kg tank capacity, Top EX tempering tank, Freon compressor, R-200 enrobing attachment, Tun 800 cooling tunnel, photos, video & details here, USA, 75.000 USD
item no.6538
Dedy 320 stainless steel enrober 320mm wide (2015), with 30Kg tank, wheel-type pump, electric heaters, 230V/50Hz, photos here, USA, 12.500 USD
item no.6585
Blum 320 wide x 8m long cooling tunnel (1987), with infeed/outfeed,
photos here, Germany, 8.950 euros

item no.6697
Nielsen Tempa 320 enrobing line 320mm wide (1996), with inbuilt temperer, 8.7m long cooling tunnel with cooling system,
photos & details here, USA, 48.000 USD

item no.6957

Sollich UT-280 chocolate enrobing line (1972), 280mm wide, inbuilt temperer, good for top & bottom coating, KK-280 cooling tunnel 8m long & cooling compressor,
photos & details here, France, 68.000 euros

item no.7013

Sollich UT-280 chocolate enrober (1984), 280mm wide, with inbuilt temperer, 3 x 380V/50Hz,
photos here, France, 24.500 euros

item no.7061

FBM Climatico 12.5"300mm wide x 29.5ft/3.8m long cooling tunnel (2016), stainless steel, with cooling system, 3 x 220V, 
photos here, 29.000 USD

item no.7125

Sollich 280mm wide enrobing line (1990), with inbuilt temperer & MK-280 8m long cooling tunnel (1984), 3 x 380V,
photos here, France, 59.950 euros

item no.7196

Nielsen 300mm wide enrober & Blum 10m cooling tunnel, with infeed & outfeed,
photos & details here, Poland, 37.000 euros

item no.7197

Nagema 300mm wide enrober & Blum 10m cooling tunnel, with infeed & outfeed,
photos & details here, Poland, 34.000 euros 

item no.7330

Chocoma 5-B-18-A enrobing machine 180mm wide (year unknown), with 2.5m infeed, blower,
photos here, Germany, 5.500 euros

item no.7421

Sollich UT-280mm wide enrobing line (1984), with temperer, MK-280 tunnel 8m with cooling compressor, infeed/outfeed & Depret 500 Litre chocolate tank,
photos here, France, 29.500 euros

item no.7457

Chocoma C+CS32 320mm wide x 3.5m long cooling tunnel (2018, never used in production), with 1m infeed, 1m outfeed,
photos & details here, UK, 23.000 euros

item no.7458

Savy Goiseau SRBT-8-10 cooling tunnel 320mm x 8m (2013), with infeed, 10m total length, 2 zones, Freon R-404 , water chiller,
photos here, Canada, 19.950 USD
item no.7527

FBM Unica 250mm wide enrobing line (2022), with Climatico 300mm x 4.9m long cooling tunnel, tempering, vibration, Freon compressor, 3 x 220V/60Hz,
photos & details here, Canada, 49.950 USD
item no.7532

Perfect PT-75 temperer (2022), with 75Kg tank, Perfect Enro-PT enrobing attachment 12”/300mm wide belt, blower, shaker de-tailer & cooling compressor, 1 x 200-240V/60Hz,
photos & video here, 27.000 USD
item no.7534

Selmi TUN-800 300mm wide x 8m cooling tunnel (2021), with Freon compressor, mould return, 3 x 208V/60Hz,
photos here, USA, 21.500 USD

item no.7567

Hilliard 10 inch 250mm wide enrobing line (2008), with temperer/melter, shaker, de-tailer, 6ft, 1.8m long cooling tunnel, infeed & outfeed belts, 1 x 220V/60Hz,
photos here, USA, 22.000 USD