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For further details regarding any of these machines please click "item no." and the contact details of the owner will be sent to you by e-mail.

item no.5199
Caramel cooker 3000Kg batch, stainless steel, 2 scraping agitators, contra rotating stirrer, re
movable for cleaning, 12 bar steam jacket, photos here, Middle East, 75.000 USD
item no.5329
Otto Hansel HVIC copper caramel cooker 100Kg/batch, 150Kg/hr, steam heated, photos here, 16.000 USD
item no.5330
Armand Deprest stainless steel open caramel cooker 40-50Kg/batch, 120-150Kg/hr, gas fired, with scraper,
photos here, 16.000 USD
item no.5331
Otto Hansel HWR copper toffee cooker 150Kg/batch, 220Kg/hr,
photos here, 27.500 USD
item no.7347

Yorkshire Process Plant toffee kitchen (1996), 200Kg batch, 750Kg/hr, with pre-mix tank, pre-cooker, buffer tank & continuous cooker, for eclair toffee,
photos here, Pakistan, 34.000 USD

Tel: +54 911 3111 0183 (Argentina)

E-mail: info@mac-trader.com