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For further details regarding any of these machines please click "item no." and the contact details of the owner will be sent to you by e-mail

item no.1698
Rheon VX201 1/2 lane dough divider for bread (2006), photos and details here, 47.000 euros
item no.2170
Benier DM40 dough divider 4 pocket (2007), for 200-1080g, up to 6000/hr, reconditioned, photos here, Holland, 49.950 euros
item no.2530
Kemper Imperator II dough divider 2 pocket, 100-1100g, 3000/hr, recently reconditioned, photos here, 11.950 euros

item no.2531
Gostol Kras NB P2 2 pocket dough divider (2006), 200-1180g 823-3000/hr, photos here, 15.950 euros
item no.2958
WP Combinator Digit Duo divider & moulder, up to 800g, up to 6300/hr, photos & details here, Europe, 15.500 euros

item no.3068
Vemag Robot 500 dough divider & filler (2013, as new) with 2 x twin augers, exit conveyor, guillotine & tools, photos & details here, USA 75.000 USD

item no.3199
WP TM-97-2 3-pocket dough divider, 300-1720g, up to 3600/hr, photos & details here, South Africa, 16.000 USD

item no.3786
WP B300 1500 1-pocket dough divider (2012), photos, video & details here, Holland, 16.000 euros

item no.4066
WP Tewimat 8 pocket divider (2004), with finger belt flour duster, photos here, USA, 85.000 USD

item no.4538
Rheon VX-111 dough divider (fully reconditioned), photos & details here, Germany, 29.950 euros

item no.4699
Benier Dough Expert 3-pocket universal industrial dividers (2009), 5 available, photos & details here, Holland, 22.000 euros

item no.4944
WP V700 4 chamber divider (2011), 2.000-6.000/hr @ 200-1.000g, with dough chunker with knife, stainless steel frame, photos & details here, Holland, 54.000 euros

item no.4995
Rheon V4 VX-121 stress free divider, with new PLC & display 2018, photos here, Germany, 9.950 euros

item no.5349
WP Haton V700-3 3 chamber divider (2014), up to 4500/hr, 300-1400g, photos here, Holland, 39.950 euros

item no.5350
Benier B9330 3 chamber divider (2000), up to 3600/hr, 255-1500g,
photos here, Holland, 29.950 euros

item no.5370
WP Parta U 2002 2-pocket dough divider (2017, as new, never used), up to 2800/hr @ 110-1250g, variable speed,
photos & video here, Holland, 42.000 euros 

item no.5669
Glimek SD-600 dough divider (2011), 150-1000g, up to 4500/hr, 3x480V/60Hz/6.6A, photos & details here, USA, 34.500 USD

item no.5670
Benier B-9336 3-6 pocket divider, 4-53oz, 115-1500g, up to 7.200/hr, photos & details here, USA, 62.500 USD

item no.5690
Bertuetti 11-ESP-3P90 volumetric dough divider (2014), 300-1200g, up to 30/min,
photos here, Italy, 49.950 euros

item no.5862
Benier B9340 4-pocket divider (1997), 1500 strokes/hr, 5.29-37.03oz (150-1050g), 
photos & details here, USA, 44.500 USD 
item no.5923
WP V-700 3-chamber dough divider (2014), up to 4500/hr @ 300-1400g,
photos here, Germany, 34.000 euros

item no.5938
Benier B8024 2-4 pocket dough divider, 28-990g, up to 6400/hr,
photos & details here, USA, 31.000 USD 

item no.5980
WP V-700 6-chamber divider, up to 300g per chamber, up to 5500/hr,
photos here, Germany, 13.500 euros

item no.6185
Cinelli CGU-8000-C non-stress dough divider #0108-30, up to 8000/hr @ 1-7oz (28-200g), good for Ciabatta, photos & details here, USA, 11.250 USD

item no.6232
Rheon V4 VX121 stress-free dough divider (2002),
photos & video here, Germany, 19.950 euros

item no.6330
Rheon V4 VX121 stress-free dough divi
der (2001), refurbished by Bak-Tek, photos & video here, Germany, 15.500 euros 

item no.6779
Kemper Corona dough divider (2003), 100-2000g/3.5-70.5oz, photos & details here, USA, 25.000 USD

item no.7167
Rheon 400 VX-202 twin divider (2006),
photos here, 21.950 euros

item no.7243
König Ceres 2.0 dough divider (2006),
photos & details here, Croatia, 25.000 euros

item no.7305

Rheon Twin Divider VX-212 stress-free divider & punch rounder (2017), 150-800g, 15-30rpm.
3 x 220V/60Hz, photos, video here, USA, 85.000 USD 

item no.7397

Kemper Imperator II MB dough divider (reconditioned), up to 1480 pieces/hr, 200-2350g, with counter, 90Kg hopper,
photos here, Germany, 19.500 euros 

item no.7483

Benier B-9336 Dough Expert divider (refurbished), 6 pocket, 3.5-50oz/100-1400g, up to 9.000/hr, new infeed/outfeed belts, new touch screen & electrics, with 70 Litre hopper & oil tank, 3 x 208-220V,
photos here, USA, 32.000 USD

item no.7488

WP Haton 4 chamber dough divider (2001), photos here, Germany, 6.950 euros

item no.7579

Werner & Pfleiderer Haton B-300 1-pocket dough divider (2014),
photos & details here, Germany, 5.500 euros 

item no.7580

Benier 3-pocket dough dividers (2016), 2 available,
photos here, Germany, 16.000 euros each

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